Ahhhhh.... the taste of the seasons first fresh picked strawberries! It's a flavour that's hard to describe, other than to say it tastes of the promise of warm summer days to come. This week we packed up some snack and headed out to the strawberry field for an adventure. It was funny to watch the kids with there different picking techniques;

Evelyn basically picked everything...... one for her basket, ten for her tummy

Nathan on the other hand decided that today.... he no longer liked strawberries?

(the aftermath of a strawberry free for all)

Amelia very quickly filled her basket, but then sat and ate them all only to have to fill be basket back up!

And Indirah...... she was the most serious picker of the group. She was the last to fill her basket because she closely inspected each and every berry before either eating it or putting it in her basket.

Phoenix was a man on a mission... to pick ONLY the "beauties"

And Chloe.... as a berry supervisor so I can take photos and pick a bucket full of berries ROCKED! Thank you for still wanting to come on adventures with us. We love you!
I love the photos. You make the art of just being in the moment magical Donna. So blessed to have you in my life and to watch you touch the lives of the wee ones you care for. Keep up the great job. You are Loved.