This week was the first time this summer that it was nice enough to go to the beach.It's been a super hot week, but With Nathan not being allowed to get his new stitches wet, playing in the water is a bit tricky! We went to out favorite spot at Barnet beach where we had the entire cove to ourselves.

Nathan and Amelia had a great time rescuing starfish that were stuck up on the beach. After the first few tentative pokes and prods, they both got into picking the starfish up and throwing them back into the ocean.

Drew on the other hand was only interested in the water!

Layla and Jamie both had no interest in touching the animals, They were more interested in making sandcastles and searching for treasures.

Evelyn and Noemi came to join us at the beach with a friend of theirs. One of my favorite moments of the day was when Layla and Evelyn were sitting close together and Evelyn just started crying, Layla looked up at me and said "It wasn't me... I didn't do anything this time". I had to laugh to myself about the "this time" part of her comment. Ya gotta love 4 year olds!
Sand, Water & Children...what a perfect combo.