Today while driving to the school Max said "I wish I could go to space so I could look back to the earth and see all the blue and green parts. Then I could see if it is just like on the globe". I told Max that if he works real hard in school that he could be an astronaut when he grows up. You can be anything that you want to be if you try real hard and work for it. From the back seat Jamie adds "you could even be a pirate Max! But you would need to get a sword" . After we drive away Jamie keeps adding to the idea saying that he could even be like Peter Pan and fly, or like Captain Hook ( but he would be a good guy). The conversation moves on to that when Jamie grows up he is going to go to the spaceship store and get a rocket so that he can fly into outer space. "The rockets are free, you just have to come and get them...... That's what they said on TV". You gotta love the imagination of 4 year olds!
I don't want to grow up. :-)
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great work Donna. Your daycare
children are so blessed to have you. :-)
SO am I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!