Ahhh.... Valentines Month. I love spreading the thoughts of being kind to our friends throughout the entire month of February.

We made heart shaped cookies, valentines cards and friendship necklaces to give to our friends as part o our
February celebrations.

Of course we did loads of pink and purple art during the month of
February, even
every ones favorite messy art.... shaving cream!

We also celebrated birthdays this month, happy birthday
Sophia who is now 9! And happy birthday to our friend Sheri who depending on who you asked she turned; Drew 2, Nathan said 3, Amelia said 9, Layla said "she's not nine, Sophia is nine.... I think she is 21", and phoenix who sat quietly thinking said "no, I think maybe 31". I think you are only as old as you feel on any given day.
After all growing old is mandatory, but growing up is always optional!

What a way to say goodbye to February, but with a good snow storm!