This year we thought we would try something new, instead of going to the pumpkin field we went to Art Knapp's fall funland.

I waited for the pro D day in October, and apparently so did everyone else!

Even though it was very busy, all the kids had loads of fun.
Nathans favorite part of the whole day the train ride through the haunted tunnel.

This is my favorite photo from the day.... it sums up everyones attention span!

With all the kids running around Evelyn was a little overwhelmed. I think that was why her favorite part of the day was going into the store part with Chloe to go look at all the cool displays they had set up.

Drew and Amelia on the other hand could have spent the whole day in the bouncy castle!

Layla & Jamie had the most fun on the zip line ride.

Sophia... she enjoyed it all!

Note to self..... next time, not on a pro D day!