Monday, March 15, 2010

Go puddle jumpers!

Today turned out to be a great day for a hike! the rain cleared up, no wind, warm weather and no crowds! The best part though, was all the huge puddles! We walked from the Library all the way to Rocky Point park, had some play time at the playground, a little snack, and then all the way back!!! Considering how little every ones legs are, that's a long ways to go! Well done my little hikers!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

my little helpers

Even though the groundhog said that there would be 6 more weeks of winter, I think he was wrong! In our backyard spring has sprung! This means time to replace what is left of our grass. I have got the most eager helpers out there. When ever I put down my shovel to go help someone one of the kids always goes to have a turn to help. There seams to be a mysterious lure to either the big people shovel or digging in what is suppose to be grass. Not sure what it is, but I love the effort!

Thanks for the help my little friends!